dis is my 1st tag..so i dun noe..
If you can have a dream to come true,what would it be?
sila baca entri sy yg sblum2 neh.. msti ada jwpn itu
What is your current mood?
xdak hati..menyampah dengan DISKRIMINASI yg xpenah sudah itu......

What will u do if your crush said he/she adores u to?
entah, xdak hati nk buat pa...
Will you fall in love with your bestfriend?
xdak hati nk jwb
Which will you prefer,loving someone or being loved by someone?
i dun prefer PILIH KASIH.... sekian!
What is your favourite food?
saya suka mkn hati~
If the person you dislike is right infront of you,what will you do?
sy rs sy hnya mampu buat xtau sbb xdak hati nk buat apa
What do you pray each day for your loved ones?
pnjangkan umur dan murahkan rezeki smua org yg sy syg terutamanya mak sy..
How would you see yourself in ten years time?
erm.. sy bahagia tnpa dikelilingi org2 yg suka PILIH KASIH dan suka menDISKRIMINASI
What is the reason that could make you tensed up?
segala penat lelah sy dibalas dgn sebaris ayat yg mmbuatkan saya hilang rs hormat dan mnyampah

What kind of person do you think the person who tag u is?
she is gud-jijah means she is gOOD... mls nk crita pnjg2 satgi ada yg kmbang kuncup..
Would you rather be a single and rich or married but poor?
kalo kaya pon xbrsyukur n asyek nk blagak n mnunjuk2 pon buat apa kan, kalo married pon tp dpt laki yg smayang xnmpak batang hidung pon buat apa kan..maknanya aku xdak hati nk jwb soklan neh~
Would you sacrifice for your loved ones?
kalo kena gaya insyaallah
What's the character must have in your partner?
entah, xdak hati nk jawab
If you fall in love with to people simultaneusly,who would you like to pick?
entah, xdak hati nk jawab
Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done?
itulah kelemahan saya.. i admit it~~
Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
i dun prefer buat keja berpartner......wahhhhhhhh dh trjun longkang jwpn aku neh, lari jaoh sgt
Who are the 5person that you would like to tag?
sapa2 rasa ada hati nk jawab buat la~~